the xsport difference.
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our mission

To create the world’s safest mouthguard through the prevention of dental, orofacial trauma and help reduce traumatic brain injuries for athletes.

our vision

To become the leading provider of mouthguards for contact sport athletes by providing a higher level of design, quality, materials, and overall safety.

we believe

We believe all athletes should be able to play the sports they love without having to risk their long-term health. We believe technology should empower athletes to have the confidence to push forward knowing they are protected.

our values


the problem

There is growing concern regarding traumatic brain injuries due to forceful impact to the head. Athletic mouthguards developed to date have provided some level of protection against sports related dental injuries, however, no significant improvements in protection have been made for decades. 

Many of the market leading mouthguards have not been backed by any scientific evidence or impact absorption testing. 

the solution

Through relentless efforts – XSport has designed and developed mouthguards that address all of the concerns of mouthguards being worn by athletes today. The XSport mouthguard has been meticulously crafted by a team of dental specialists, universities, and a top Swiss manufacturing and product development team.

The X Sport mouthguard has been specially designed for maximum protection while not sacrificing athletic performance or comfort. Our mouthguards have been independently tested by Auburn University and the Ohio State University for impact absorption. Scientific data confirms our mouthguards show significant improvement in protection for athletes in comparison to common mouthguards on the market.

seize greatness